Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hello. I'm back again:P

I'm back again to blog:D
Due to my laziness, i closed down my previous blog about a few months before. Which is just after the O's.

Now I'm back with wonderful news :D
I had obtained a result of 5 distinctions, with a L1R5 of 13 points(:
All efforts are paid off.
Actually, i didn't worry much about my results before the release. I didn't had the mood to panic;/
But i had fulfilled my most ambitious dream, that is to receive my result from the principal:D
And now I'm wondering, how did i manage well last year? Hmm.. I seemed to have a memory loss on that. I just cant remember how and when i started to achieve good results. *Sigh, I'm old already. Yes, of course I'm old, i became a aunt at the age of 6? Mummy laughed when i told her this, evil mummy>:(

I shall stop there, will post a garfield cat in my next post:D
A cute cat that looks like garfield, i took it's picture outside a coffeeshop where it was resting in the shade away from the strong sun.

SiNgLE J @ 8:19 PM l 0Comment